MAGGOT BRAIN #15: What’s inside!
-BJÖRK: Our cover feature is a career-spanning piece by Tamara Palmer on Iceland’s most noted export since the foundation of their parliament in 930, with a terrifically gorgeous cover image by our illustrator, Marly Beyer.
-MARCELLUS HALL delivers a 30-plus page excerpt from a graphic novel about life in indie-rock in the early 1990s that’s just stunning and lyrical and we are so stoked to be able to run it.
-Hot on the heels of their world tour, it’s an engaging photo essay from Detroit’s premier music photographer Doug Coombe on the return of garage punk heroes BE YOUR OWN PET.
-Mike Turner spends serious time with BMX champion CHELSEA WOLFE, right when she might be suspended from competition for being trans.
-Ana Gavrilovska digs deep into the work of up-and-coming multimedia artist WAYNE PHOENIX.
-Uncharacterizable instrumental musicians PENGUIN CAFE are back (under the direction of originator Simon Jeffes' son Arthur Jeffes) and Kurt Reighley is writing beautifully on them. (Their first two records for Eno’s label are The Shit.)